K12 International Academy
Something amazing happens when you remove the mandate to conform to a single rigid standard, teach the individual rather than the masses and give students the freedom to learn anywhere and at anytime in the world. You create life-long learners who understand learning as satisfying curiosity rather than forcing memorization. When this happens learning becomes fun and highly addictive and most-importantly learning becomes a life long passion leading to achievements beyond imagination. K12 International Academy is able to do this with a flexible online learning curriculum designed around the individual.
The site design tells this story with a beaming optimism and energy that you just don't see in education. At a time when education is so connected to doom and gloom, it's almost irreverent to convey this sort of passion and excitement for learning. And that's why we did it. This design emits an energy and emotion equal to modern day youth-oriented brands and who says education can't be just as exciting. I can and it should and now it is.